The star holds many mysteries yet uncovered within the realm of the arcane. Relics, artifacts and spells, some dark and dangerous, and all but forgotten by those of the Spoken who walk the star to this very day. There are yet some brave, or brazen enough to pursue uncovering these lost arts and treasures. One among these many groups is a coven of sorcereresses known as the:

Caliginosus Circle

Who are the

Caliginosus Circle?

They are but a Free Company, and to their surface they are a group of traveling scholars, apothecaries and adventurers from various backgrounds intent on honing their craft in many things alchemy and magic, with their business being primarily in selling and providing potables, many of esoteric natures hardly found through common channels and markets. They have, more or less, a shared front in the excavation and curation of artifacts ancient and arcane.Beneath this, they are a circle of witches, sorceresses, and mercenaries working underground for a myriad of reasons, but nonetheless, willing to ally with each other. Whether it is to learn from one in the craft of magic, or to parley with the goods of an apothecary. But whatever it may be, they are well and aware that the nature of their work straddles along the murkier side of the law, and must maintain a sense of pragmatism, even with their darkest desires and intentions...Good and bad, they are morally just... at the very least in their eyes they are....

You may be lost... you may be curious... or very adventurous. In any case, you may interacting with these shady sorceresses worth your while if....

  • You've an interest in the occult. Magicks lost to history... some even forbidden in knowledge withheld from the ken of others, by law of the land or shrouded hidden in an oft-forgotten repository known by only but a few. Perhaps you wish to share what is known for a price... or work with some others to find out more...

  • You've a desire for a partnership in alchemy. To any degree of symbiosis that is sought for, you are eager to find someone to work with to develop new recipes... or to find more clientele to part your goods with, perhaps regardless of what those goods are...

  • Perhaps there is a hex... a curse... some strange manner of magical malady that you wish to be lifted... or given to someone else for a price... perhaps there might one among these witches that knows a spell or two...

  • Adventuring to ruins, crypts, castles, keeps and caves is your forte and you do not mind some danger involved in the goals of the occasional escapade to procure whatever secrets these locales might hide. Perhaps with your set of skills and moral flexibility, you may find some work here with what this Company is generally after ..

The Delphian Court

Empyrean: Plot 21, Ward 19

There lies a lone house within the walls of Ishgard. This house of intrigue spoken of with hushed rumors was the seat of a noble Ishgardian house that has fallen to the wayside following the Dragonsong War's end.Now, its inheritor has dedicated the establishment to being a den of magic, serving as a place of study and residence for the mages who dwell within.

Plot 29, Ward 19

So... Has this group caught your interest after all?And thank you very much for sating your curiosity regarding this Free Company! We are are Balmung-based Free Company, but are flexible enough to work with everyone within the Data Center.This lot is a more story-driven Roleplaying Company with more than a few connections here and there beyond just our number.
The characters and storylines as a whole will gravitate towards mature themes, but still a fair bit more on the nuanced side of things.
We encourage building good ties for the purpose of coordinating and crafting good stories and have the expectations to commit to the choices our characters make, as there is a much heavier leaning toward more morally dubious sorts as a whole.

  • We respect the lore of the game, but also are flexible enough to build our own stories so as to craft believable RP scenes with others.

  • We do our best to communicate and give consent to ensure that boundaries are clear and true. OOC is OOC and IC is IC and neither blends into the other.

  • Adventuring RP will be the occasional escapade of this Company's experiences. As will making connections with like-minded individuals. Given the underhanded nature of some of their escapades, conflict can happen, but the above two rules will always be kept in mind.

Applications in-game are appreciated, but a Discord Link must be requested.